Sunday, November 19, 2006

A couple of weeks ago while driving home one night we have this little white fluffy object run out in front of our car. After we stop we realize that it's a little dog. This dog didn't have a clue in the world and was wondering aroun like it was her first time outside of her home. Now being the big hearted person that I am I told my husband to stop the car so we could grab this little thing. So we get her and throw her in the car. Once home we realized she didn't have a collar, tags, or any identification and I was sure someone would be missing her. We lost out cat a month ago so I know how heart wrenching it can be.
First thing in the morning my son and I go around the neighborhood posting FOUND signs, then I call the Humane Society with her info, and I even ask around the neighborhood. Surely, someone is missing this little fluffy dog.
Well, we had a few calls but none of them were Fluffy's owner. Oh, and I called her Fluffy at first as a joke and it stuck with my 2 year old so the name is now Fluffy. At first this dog drove me insane. She is a little princess dog and nothing like our other dog who could probably live in the wild on his own. She barks at everything (even my son), and you always have to comb her. She's high maintnance and up until she came into our home I was the only "high maintnance" chick. She has already managed to get an eye infection, and a blister on her foot.
But ....she has grown on us and we have decided to continue to post "found" signs but maybe and I mean just maybe she has already found her home here.