Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Can you see the bunny rabbit?

After visiting the pet store and petting the pretty white bunny they had on display we headed home. Elijah did what he usually does when the weather is nice...he ran outside to play. He came across some chalk and just started coloring. When I came out to see what trouble he was getting into I stumbled across this drawing on the floor. It's looks like a bunny, right? I thought it was pretty impressive for a 2 year old.
So maybe and I mean just maybe he is getting his mom's creative side? We all know he got his temper from his Irish daddy and his dramatic side from me. Maybe I will pass down some creativity to even it out a bit.
| posted by Lacy at 7:06 PM
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Polka Dot Prints
I'm Lacy, an outspoken, unorganized, and did I mention creative, 25 year old wahm. I am living the high life in a small town in Arizona bordering California and Mexico. Sounds like heaven, right? You feel my sarcasm. When I am not playing supermom, superwife, or the card lady I am usually doing something crafty or taking on a new project that I don't have time for.
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