Wednesday, December 20, 2006
5 little snowmen

Something about the holidays just makes me want to bake and be crafty. And now that I am a mother I find myself trying to capture every moment of my son's life. I love that he is now old enough to start venturing into my craft projects with me.
So this is one of the many Christmas craft projects we have completed. I just love the way these turned out and had to share. My son really enjoyed making them as well. What 2.5 year old wouldn't love sticking their hand in paint and squeezing a ball (that is what he calls the ornament). Anyways, as you can probably see his hand print is white and I added some details to turn it into little snowmen. He is very proud of his little snowmen and I am sure this will be an ornament that will bring great joy to my heart for many holidays to come.
- Cocoa Dreams had this to say:
Lacy, the ornaments turned out really cute!! What a great idea too!!
- graymama had this to say:
What a fabulous idea and keepsake! The last part of your post made me tear up a bit. I have to go run to the store and pick up some white paint now :-)
- Offshore Wife had this to say:
Lacy, I love the metallic blue color you used. This was such a great idea. Thank you for sharing it with us.