Wednesday, December 13, 2006
School's Out

It's official...I am done with my card orders for the holidays. I think I have one to do for a New Year's party but aside from that I am free and clear.

Now don't get me wrong here. I love being busy and making $$ but it's just nice to be done for a couple weeks and to be able to focus on Christmas and my family. I almost feel like a kid who just finished their last day of school before Christmas break. Woo-Hoo!!!!

Blogger graymama had this to say:

Hope you have a happy Christmas break :-)


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Polka Dot Prints

I'm Lacy, an outspoken, unorganized, and did I mention creative, 25 year old wahm. I am living the high life in a small town in Arizona bordering California and Mexico. Sounds like heaven, right? You feel my sarcasm. When I am not playing supermom, superwife, or the card lady I am usually doing something crafty or taking on a new project that I don't have time for.

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Polka Dot Prints
My Etsy Shop
Cocoa Dreams
Polka Dot Market
Fashionable Fabrics
Growing Up With Style


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