I finally finished sewing Elijah's over-sized Thomas the Train stocking (my son is a huge Thomas fan). I wanted to embroider his name and add a few more embellishments but I am just happy to be done with it. I did however sew on some cute little buttons on the tree and sew over the lines in the fabric to bring out the picture. Unfortunately, you can't see this in my picture (sorry, another toy was being thrown in the toilet and I only had one chance at a decent photo...I failed).
I started this stocking about a month ago and to be honest it was very easy to make. While shopping at Wally World my son had to have the Thomas the Train stocking in the fabric department and so I picked it the fabric and some batting. The only regret I have aside from the time it took me to get it done was using the iron on batting. I clearly remember Chasley saying that it just doesn't look right when you use the iron on batting and she was right. It doesn't have a smooth look. But it is only a stocking so maybe next year's stocking (whatever his latest passion will be) will look better.
- graymama had this to say:
I recently made Buddy a doll that I felt had many flaws because it was my first. Of course, Buddy just LOVES the fact that I made something for him :-) I think your stocking looks GREAT!