Lately, I have been a victim of sexist old fashioned men's ideals of how you treat a woman. And to be honest at first I just blew it off. Why let an ignorant person get me down, right? But that was after an older wealthy man thought it was ok to punch my car for blocking his precious path to the parking lot. Now if my husband were in the car would he use the same tone or force? Umm....not a chance in hell.
Well, it happened again. I was simply reserving a table for some friends with my toddler at a local restaurant. Now living so close to the border of Mexico (20 miles) we get a lot of men who still believe they own their women and they are to be seen and never heard. And of course I get to run into the leader of the idiots at this restaurant. And over what you ask? My table that I was reserving. Apparently I had a better table than this man and so took it upon himself to let me know that he will be taking it. Um....NO. So I tell this man who by the way was doing all of this in front of his small young daughters (watch a learn girls) that he will not be dining at this table and he needs to leave. He said some really stupid stuff and continued to let me know that he will be taking this table. But I wasn't giving up the table.
There is one thing that anyone could tell you about me and that is that I don't and won't back down. It's just not who I am. If I believe strongly in something I will pursue it to the end. I am the same way with defending my friends, family, beliefs, etc. So back to the story.
All while listening to this man babble on I think to myself. If my husband was here would he be doing this? Um...NO. And speaking of the devil (or my knight in shining armor in this case) my husband comes walking up. He tells the man a few stern things in Spanish and the man walks away.
All I could think is..."WHAT??!!!"
So what do I need to do to let all these sexist men know that I am an equal and will not tolerate their actions? Can I not be a young hip mama and still be taken seriously? Do I need to wear a suit or always be accompanied by a bilingual man to get some damn respect?!
- graymama had this to say:
You respect yourself enough to put on the Justice Woman cape when you need to, which is wonderful in my book.