Friday, March 09, 2007
It Never Fails

Anytime I want to run somewhere quickly without being seen....I run into someone I know. It never fails. Yesterday I ran to Home Depot in my painting gear to pick up more paint and sure enough it happens. Then later in the day my hubby wants to go to Target to grab something and get some Starbuck's. So I just change out of my painting gear, throw my hair up in a pony tail and run to Target. We managed to run into 3 separate people!!! Of course, I avoided 2 of them by sending my hubby out as bait.
And if it wasn't bad enough to have people see me looking like I just woke up but we ran into this couple and well...hmmm, how do I explain what this woman looks like? Maybe a Asian hooker that weighs about 100 lbs, and 20 lbs. of it being her boobs. I swear those things are like flotation devices. This is the second time we have run into this couple and both times she is dressed to go clubbing all the way down to her red stilettos. Let me remind you this is in Target. I am sure that Boobs McQueen is a really nice lady but she is making me look bad here!
Most of the people we see work with my husband and with his upcoming training and new position they must all wish him luck and congratulate him. Now I think that part is great and he totally loves it.'s as if I am with a celebrity sometimes or he is packing to go help Frodo find the ring. People will ask him the stupidest questions like, "Did you run today?", "Are you ready?", or my favorite "Look at the big INSERT JOB TITLE HERE guy!" I swear I should start selling autographs.
I think I am just still adjusting to this small town thing. You know where you see someone every time you go anywhere. I used to be able to sneak into a place and pick up some milk without anyone seeing me. Now I must be completely dressed with make-up and all just to go to the market!!!
Oh, and just for the record... I love my hubby dearly and I am his biggest fan.