After months of disappointment and the murder of yet another tampon you would think that I would just give up when aunt flow is due. But every month I get excited at the littlest things. Oh, my left boob hurts...I'm pregnant. I want chocolate...I'm pregnant. Yet, she always shows.
What sucks the most is that everyone I know is pregnant. And maybe I just notice all the emerging bellies because I secretly want one of my own. It's so hard to be happy for all my fertile friends sometimes.
And to add insult to injury I started my period today...on Valentine's Day. It's like a sick, cruel joke. Well, I am off to buy a hundred more ovulation tests and pregnancy tests to feed my sickness. Yes, I suffer from pee-on-a-stick-asitis, and I will until one of those damn sticks start showing two lines!
- Chicky had this to say:
Maybe your uterus is waiting until it can be the only womb in town...LOL
I am sending lotsa babydust wishes your way!!
Have you ever visited the ttc boards at sheknows.com? I learned a lot there about timing, and cervical musous, etc...probably TMI, but it helped me! :)- Lacy had this to say:
Thanks! I should have a Master's in trying to conceive by now. I have tried just about everything aside from standing on my head (lack of coordination).
- BabyTalkers had this to say:
Hey just wanted to say good luck and send you some baby dust as well. If you get a chance, stop by the ttc forums at babytalkers.com. Oh also, I'm sure you have, but just in case you haven't, have you read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility?
- Mom O Matic had this to say:
I so understand! I used to buy pregnancy and ovulation sticks in bulk on ebay.