Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tom's Panty Dropper

My days are (for the most part) pretty predictable. We wake up around 7am, my son wants his yogurt, watches his morning show (the show changes often), and I stumble into the kitchen. I open the fridge and close it about 3 times trying to find that 'perfect' thing to eat. And then I realize I have to cook if I want to eat something good and instead I grab some water and a banana (or a cookie...shh!) and start my day.
And sometime in the afternoon as my husband's stomach starts growling he calls and asks...what's for dinner? Here I am still trying to get the floam out of the carpet (who invented this crap?) and I just spit out, 'it's a surprise'. And while my husband is thinking 5 star restaurant surprise I am thinking to myself, what the hell am I going to make for dinner. I open and close the fridge and pantry a few times and then it hits me. I pull out a can of green beans (I know fresh is better but I don't see you shopping for me).
And the light bulb turns on...I will make Tom's famous panty dropper tonight.
No, there is no need to send the kids out of the room. This is pg rated. Here is the short version of Tom's Panty Dropper.
Back when I worked at AOL I was outside chatting with some co-workers. The infamous question comes up...what's for dinner?
The answers start flying out of every one's mouth...
And sometime in the afternoon as my husband's stomach starts growling he calls and asks...what's for dinner? Here I am still trying to get the floam out of the carpet (who invented this crap?) and I just spit out, 'it's a surprise'. And while my husband is thinking 5 star restaurant surprise I am thinking to myself, what the hell am I going to make for dinner. I open and close the fridge and pantry a few times and then it hits me. I pull out a can of green beans (I know fresh is better but I don't see you shopping for me).
And the light bulb turns on...I will make Tom's famous panty dropper tonight.
No, there is no need to send the kids out of the room. This is pg rated. Here is the short version of Tom's Panty Dropper.
Back when I worked at AOL I was outside chatting with some co-workers. The infamous question comes up...what's for dinner?
The answers start flying out of every one's mouth...
McDonald's, leftovers, I am on a diet, cereal, Tom's Panty Dropper, etc etc
Wait...did he just say panty dropper? So I ask Tom if he could repeat what he just said. He tells me about this great and easy (he is a man) recipe that he makes for his girlfriends that they love. They think he is a great cook, see some future with him, and well the rest is easy to figure out by the name he gave it. So I asked him for the recipe. You know I had to try this recipe if it was making girls drop their pants. So here it is:
Wait...did he just say panty dropper? So I ask Tom if he could repeat what he just said. He tells me about this great and easy (he is a man) recipe that he makes for his girlfriends that they love. They think he is a great cook, see some future with him, and well the rest is easy to figure out by the name he gave it. So I asked him for the recipe. You know I had to try this recipe if it was making girls drop their pants. So here it is:
- 1 can of cut green beans (not fancy)
- 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 1 can/bottle of your favorite marinara sauce
- about 4 slices of cheese
- some Italian seasoning (think oregano)
- preheat oven to 375
- in a dish or pan add 1/2 of the marinara
- plop down the two breasts
- add the green beans around the chicken
- add the rest of the marinara
- top with muenster cheese slices
- add some oregano to the top
- cook for 35-45 min. (depending on your oven and chicken)
It was easy & good. (no pun intended)
So tonight I made Tom's dish. I changed it a little though based on what I did and didn't have. I breaded the chicken and used mozzarella. I also added a yummy salad with homemade dressing (thanks to Pampered Chef). My husband was pleased with his 'surprise' dinner.
So thank you Tom (wherever you are) for the recipe. It saved me tonight...but you might be sad to know that no one dropped their pants in this house after eating it.
- Chicky had this to say:
I love this! I am going to try it and let you know the results... :)
- Mom O Matic had this to say:
Yum, sounds lovely!