Sunday, March 04, 2007
One week and counting

The days are just flying by and in one week from tomorrow my husband will be on his way to his training for a whole month. Waaa!!! Yes, I am throwing a pity party. And to make matters worse I am expecting my evil aunt flow only days after he leaves. BEWARE! I will be a mess of emotions and hormones and I will find all the chocolate on the house and devour it in one sitting. Wanna join me?
We had our dreaded garage sale this past weekend and I am happy to say it wasn't all that dreaded after all. We sold almost everything and even closed up early. I am pleasantly surprised with how well we did and plan to have one each year. I was however lucky to have a friend who lives near by stop by and keep me company and that helped the time fly. I have already put the money to good use. I am expecting some Pottery Barn boxes soon, and I even managed to score a great deal on a new bed for my son. I love shopping...too much.
The low down on my slim down
I am planning on working out 3 days a week and eating super healthy while my husband is gone. After all, he will be working out and getting in better shape (because he already looks like an underwear model) and so I want to keep up. And to be honest we have been eating so bad lately. I think it's because my hubby knows he will be eating chow hall food soon and wants to indulge before he goes and I am not one to turn down greasy food when it's right in front of me. My friend Rachel is doing a diet that seems to be working really well for her so I am going to have to get her notes on it and see if it's something I can do as well.
I managed to find my envelopes at a decent price and ordered a 1,000 of those suckers. I will not be without again! I have one order open right now and it's a big one. I think that after this one I am going to close shop for a few weeks and concentrate on my diet and getting some stuff done around the house. You know...some ME time.
We had our dreaded garage sale this past weekend and I am happy to say it wasn't all that dreaded after all. We sold almost everything and even closed up early. I am pleasantly surprised with how well we did and plan to have one each year. I was however lucky to have a friend who lives near by stop by and keep me company and that helped the time fly. I have already put the money to good use. I am expecting some Pottery Barn boxes soon, and I even managed to score a great deal on a new bed for my son. I love shopping...too much.
The low down on my slim down
I am planning on working out 3 days a week and eating super healthy while my husband is gone. After all, he will be working out and getting in better shape (because he already looks like an underwear model) and so I want to keep up. And to be honest we have been eating so bad lately. I think it's because my hubby knows he will be eating chow hall food soon and wants to indulge before he goes and I am not one to turn down greasy food when it's right in front of me. My friend Rachel is doing a diet that seems to be working really well for her so I am going to have to get her notes on it and see if it's something I can do as well.
I managed to find my envelopes at a decent price and ordered a 1,000 of those suckers. I will not be without again! I have one order open right now and it's a big one. I think that after this one I am going to close shop for a few weeks and concentrate on my diet and getting some stuff done around the house. You know...some ME time.
- Unknown had this to say:
I dread garage sales too. I'm glad your went smoothly.