Monday, February 19, 2007
Cut my hair off!!!! PLEASE

After hearing me complain almost daily about my long obnoxious hair my husband did the unthinkable and told me to finally cut it. It's like I had to hear someone else tell me to do it before it clicked in my own head. I was on a mission to grow it out like Rapunzel and I came pretty close. But living in the Sahara desert long curly hair doesn't do well. So I cut it off. I also highlighted it. It's weird to have such short hair but I am adjusting. And of course it wasn't supposed to be this short but my new hairdresser got a little scissor happy. I also got some new blond highlights which are always fun.
On a mission to prove that blonds (or just those with highlights) have more fun we went out to a nice dinner and to the bar afterwards that evening. My son was visiting his grandparents for the weekend and we needed to get out. It was fun. I did however drink and dance a little too much. I wasn't feeling so great the next day and my legs still hurt today from all of the dancing. I twisted and bent in places that haven't been moved like that in a l-o-n-g time. But it was fun and a great workout. I might have to start dancing for my exercise. I wonder if it would defeat the workout if I drank a little before dancing? Hmmm...
Well, my son is home and life is back to normal (if that's what you call it). My husband is training for a new job within his job and has been very busy with that. He also has to go out of state for an upcoming training academy so we are getting him ready for that. He has to buy certain color clothes, some gear, and other weird stuff that I can't find in this small town. Well, I am off to shop online for black swim trunks.
- Unknown had this to say:
oh it looks so great!!! i am so jealous! i can't wait for my hair to look that good! yeah right.
- Cocoa Dreams had this to say:
I like it!! You look great! My hair is super long too right now and falling out like crazy. I had my mom cut a couple inches off and it made a huge difference.
- Unknown had this to say:
Love the hair, Lacy!!! It really highlights your face and it's a good thing. :)
- Lacy had this to say:
Thank you ladies! It's so much lighter and easier to work with now. Makes me wonder why I didn't cut it sooner.
- Mom O Matic had this to say: